
Dear Mom,

Hey Mom,

Thanks for being mad at me everytime single I open my mouth, even though I did nothing and for screaming with me every two seconds. You've been a good company lately.

This reminds me all too much of when you are with that mood on everyone except your boyfriend.

Also the time not so far back when you said to me that I do nothing at home, when it's me that cleans the whole house, puts the dishes on the dishwasher, puts the clothes drying and makes sure that everything is always in order. Yeah, I'm a bad girl.

And no Mom, I'm not looking at you with 'that eyes'. I'm simply thinking that your hypnotized by you're dear boyfriend and that you do everything for him, even let your daughters on their own, just so you can be with him, doing everything that he asks.

Oh, and I'm sorry if my excellent grades bother you so much that you can't let me go to sleep earlier and that you have to yell at me for asking. I almost fall asleep at classes.

So thanks Mom. Thanks. Really. Keep your anger in check. And please, just please, give me a break. Because last night I've cried because of you, of every little thing that you said and that you put on my shoulders, and I don't want to cry. Especially the crying-until-fall-asleep type.



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