
'Não, não, não. O akri disse que não podias matar o Zarek. Tánatos feio.'

I wish I could have a Simi
Make me feel awesome too
I was told I was awesome
But not without you
Look into the mirror who's inside there
The one with the chifres
Same Simi again today

My outside is so cool
My inside is blue
Everytime I think I don't have a Simi
I get all sad
I've tried different ways, but it's always useless
At the end of the day I am alone again
I'm just wishing ...

You can buy a book if you have money
You can hold it until you sleep
You can wish all that you want
But if ...
You could wish upon a star
And have that dream come true
And be in a position that make you feel so
Damn happy
I feel lucky (Oh so lucky)
I have a Simi, a Acheron and a martelo

É isto que faço para não adormecer na aula de Filosofia :D

1 comentário:

  1. OMG Esta song ficou TÃO cool!!!!! ;D
    Gostei mesmo do ultimo verso.
    hhaha I have a Simi, a Acheron and a martelo (pawhhaahahha parti-me a rir)
    OMG you're truly awesome twin!


Deixa o teu Thought aqui ^^