I know you want to stop it. Protect her from it. But you’re young. You don’t see what I see. It’s not just that she makes him a better person. She does, but, he changes her too. Damon challenges her, surprises her. He makes her question her life, beliefs. Stefan is different. His love is pure and he’ll always be good for her. Damon is either the best thing for her or the worst.
- Rose to Jeremy
It’s not just the kissing that made this scene amazing, but everything leading up to it: her staring at him, Damon opening up, the hand-holding and her getting worked up and needing to catch her breath. It perfectly captured how a women gets turned on! Very few shows or films get this right. Usually it’s just one little speech and they kiss. They took 5 minutes to build up an incredible connection to show it wasn’t just an on-the-road hookup, but a culmination of their entire relationship.
- About the Damon and Elena kiss in ‘Heart of Darkness’
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