
Aceitei a realidade e a crueldade

Embora vá sempre tentar ser o mais possível feliz (:

3 comentários:

  1. And accepting is the first step to acting...
    You have a long way to go... but You've started your journey already...

  2. And who about you? When will you start your own journey?

  3. Mine... I don't know.. I guess in a way it has already started. You took a leap of faith and me... Well I've changed since last year. A lot. Before if you met me I'be the quiet gir sitting on a bench by herself wanting more than anything just to hide and go through the day...
    But now, well I'm me. The Aphrodite you know now is the one that had been there trapped all along. I let her comeout, so that's the beginning. The next step is maybe to celebrate her and not improve her because in a way nobody is perfect and she has all this imperfections (that make her who she is), but make her realize that she's overthinking. I'll get to that on time. I guess that's my journey accept myself.


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