They keep me hoping for the future
One Direction inspires me to take a chance. They made it, maybe I will make it too.
#thank you soo much for making me believe
My lost twin
Back to school tomorrow. Great... And after all this Louis drama. I'm done. Sooo done.
BUT! I think my sister accidentally found my lost twin! I mean, LOOK! I just saw this one video and I couldn't believe how much alike we are!
She's Portuguese! Her name is Mariana! She's always speaking english in the middle of a portuguese speech. She says 'tipo' and 'awesome' a lot :D She speaks like me (you would know if you knew me). I MEAN! COME ON! SHE'S ME!
My heart hurts for Louis. This was a awful day for us, fans and Larry shippers (not sure I'm on that last category), but it must have been a so much more awful day for him.
«My heart hurts for you. I'm so sorry for all of this. Just keep always true to yourself, we love you lots for that (: xx»
Someone give him a hug for me, please.
I'm doing my best, hugging and cuddling with Lilo while watching Grey's Anatomy and trying not to cry over Louis.
Today was a weird-full-of-emotions day
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A minha secretária. Decidi renová-la quando voltei da minha terrinha. Ano novo, recordações novas. |
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Awesome ruined by douchebag |
O que aconteceu quando a minha mãe chegou a casa e que originou eu a correr para o quarto para escrever isto no pulso *esquecendo-me completamente que o meu pulso já estava destinado para outra coisa*: destruiu toda a minha alegria ao dizer que o estúpido do namorado dela quer o plasma enorme, e desde aquela manhã, muito funcional, da sala no quarto deles, porque é onde ele passa mais tempo e porque foi ele que o comprou. Conclusão: vou ter de me contentar com o plasma mais pequeno que estava no quarto e que não dá para fazer tudo o que me tinha alegrado naquela manhã.
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Happy Birthday Nialler! I hope you have a fantastic day babe. Have fun you carefree irish man! (: xx |
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Directamente da Suíça, na própria língua e tudo ^^ (não se preocupem, já fui traduzir ;P)
Depois de um ano inscrita no 'Postcrossing' finalmente consegui enviar dois postais, e por fim receber um ^^ (até agora)
E agora vou ver se aguento até às duas para ver a estreia do Glee season 4 (ou talvez veja amanhã - não gosto de intervalos pelo meio).
Wrist Thing
Bem, desde que escrevi 'Love' no meu pulso que decidi que seria uma boa ideia continuar com esta ideia. Porque não escrever todos os dias algo no meu pulso, uma ideia, um pensamento, algo que esteja a mudar o meu dia?
O de hoje é especial, e é o que estou a fazer neste momento ^^
O de hoje é especial, e é o que estou a fazer neste momento ^^
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«Best Friend on the phone» |
I honestly don't know what to do with myself because omg I really love those boys and Louis especially like I'm in so much pain because he just won't stop being so fucking precious all the time and like I need time to breathe but I can't because Louis is just ugh and I really just want to hold him and tell him I love him and hate him but I love him because look at him and guys this is really bad and I really just want to cry at my life right now because what am I doing
Quando eu deixar de estar pobre/my dad actually starts carrying about me instead of giving 0 fucks and ameaçar pôr-nos em tribunal/parar de poupar para a Universidade/ficar maluca e gastar esse dinheiro nisto eu PROMETO que a primeira coisa que eu faço é comprar os CD's deles (e talvez os da Taylor também).
Going insane
Teacher: why is she crying
Teacher: why is she on the floor
Teacher: who is Larry
Teacher: why is she screaming read all about it
Teacher: why is she singing a whole playlist
Teacher: maybe I should get her a tissue
Teacher: why is she so obsessed with gays
Teacher: why is she screaming about locked Internet
Me: I can't do this it's just bullshit bring in the gayness and fanfiction
I'm REALLY mad right now! It was just a rumor... The premiere of the song is going to be.... 24TH SEPTEMBER! FREAKING 24TH SEPTEMBER!
Teacher: why is she on the floor
Teacher: who is Larry
Teacher: why is she screaming read all about it
Teacher: why is she singing a whole playlist
Teacher: maybe I should get her a tissue
Teacher: why is she so obsessed with gays
Teacher: why is she screaming about locked Internet
Me: I can't do this it's just bullshit bring in the gayness and fanfiction
I'm REALLY mad right now! It was just a rumor... The premiere of the song is going to be.... 24TH SEPTEMBER! FREAKING 24TH SEPTEMBER!
I’m going to be at school when LWWY premieres.
You’ve got to be kidding me.
And those were a couple of «Grey's Anatomy and One Direction» weeks
Eu sei que tenho estado muito presente por aqui *lálálá* mas eu prometo que tenho imensas fotos! O problema? O meu computador é estúpido.
Anyway, tenho andado tanto no tumblr que acabo por me esquecer do blog. Don't blame me, blame One Direction. E os tumblrs que me mantêm ocorrente de todas as novidades. Acreditem, no mundo deles há uma novidades TODOS os dias! TODOS. Se estou um dia sem ir à net, PUM! já tenho trinta mil coisas a ver. Dá muito menos trabalho se for acompanhando durante o dia.
Amanhã saí o novo single deles *.* Vou ouvir em estreia com o resto do mundo, na rádio Inglesa.
A minha mãe vem cá amanhã. Para nos levar de volta. Domingo estou de volta. Bestial.
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