
Mortal Instruments 30 Day Challenge

Day 1: Your favorite character:
Day 2 Your least favorite character:
Day 3: A character you hate that everyone loves:
Day 4: A character you love that everyone hates:
Day 5: Your favorite fight/battle scene:
Day 6: A scene that made you laugh:
Day 7: A scene that made you cry:
Day 8: The character you are most like:
Day 9: Your favorite quote:
Day 10: Alec or Jace?
Day 11: Something you hate about the series:
Day 12: A character you wish hadn’t died:
Day 13: A character you wish had died:
Day 14: Your favorite Rune:
Day 15: Favorite weapon of choice:
Day 16: A question you wish had been answered in the book:
Day 17: The worst death:
Day 18: A song that reminds you of the series:
Day 19: Your favorite pairing(s):
Day 20: Your least favorite pairing(s):
Day 21: Favorite Downworlder:
Day 22: Your favorite book of the four:
Day 23: Your favorite secondary character:
Day 24: What would you be: Vampire, Shadowhunter, Warlock, Werewolf, etc?
Day 25: Your dream cast:
Day 26: Favorite Isabelle quote:
Day 27: Favorite Shadow Hunter:
Day 28: Isabelle or Maia for Simon?
Day 29: Favorite Jace quote:
Day 30: Your favorite thing about the entire series:

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