Day 1 (28 June)
The departure was at 20.30. It was my first time in a plane (except it wasn't cause I've travelled on a plane to Italy once but I was like 5 months old). It was like travelling by car really. I was expecting something different but yeah it was fun anyway.
Day 2
Here the fun begun.
This is were we stayed:
It was (by totally coincidence) the veterans day there so we went to a little thing in a park that had music and lots of army stuff and it was really cool. Then we basically proceeded on walking around the city. It's a fucking beautiful city.
There's a LOT of bicycles there. People basically ride bikes instead of cars. It's really confusing walking on the street cause you have to pay attention to cars, bikes and people. People literally just cross the street without worrying about crosswalks or any vehicle. I was almost run over by a bike a couple of times. I saw death really close, it's ugly.
I've been dreaming of drinking a cappuccino like this for so long |
Day 3
My camera is literally filled with my sister's selfies. Anyway, so on day 3 we went to the beach and to Sealife. And we ate massive pancakes with ice cream and fruits, delicious.
this cool things were all over the beach, I love that it was so colorful |
my uncle being awesome and ruining my sister's pic |
This pic scares me. We were in like a tunnel and here they were swimming over me. I just stood like ten minutes staring at the turtle. |
Day 4
We went to an Amusement Park and it was FUCKING AWESOME! I've never been to one ((don't judge me!)) I recorded every ride from my point of view but basically everything I recorded was the ground and me and my sister screaming. Also my uncle telling my sister to shut up while laughing.
Only picture I took (we went there and it was the one were I screamed the least aka less scary)
My uncle's girlfriend (Eva - sweet girl) birthday. A bunch of people from her family and her friends came over and it was cool. I love her uncle, aunt and mum and they were there. I was tired of speaking by the end of the day.
Getting things ready:
gramma and grandpa |
my uncle and Eva's friend |
Day 5
We went to a museum and to Anne Frank's house (so emotional).
You could literally stay the whole day at that museum, it was massive! We only stayed there two hours and then we went to the house and omg I loved it so much.
P.S: my knowledgment of english was precious on this trip - from speaking to everyone (I was also my grandparents's and sister's interpreter) to visiting all this places.
Anne Frank's house |
excuse my face |
we did not go there ): |
Liam would love this (I had a great laugh here) but hey bought a shirt and some postcards for myself |
if you pay close attention you can see that this houses are not straight |
Day 6
This was a 'let's rest' day aka I went to the most awesome book store ever full of english books and bought five.
John Green is absolutely awesome and I finally have all his books now.
Day 7
cutest cat that was always around our house |
This was the day that we took a two-hour car trip to Gent, Belgian. Beautiful city. We went there with no plan, we just walked around and went to some places that crossed our path.
and then we visited this castle |
I would love to live here, I would just sit here reading. There were a lot of hipsters here (I was sooo picturing Harry here) |
Friday & Weekend
So I have so little pictures from this last days because they were the best and I was so not worried about taking pictures.
Eva's family every year does a family weekend were everyone comes over to her uncle's summer farm house and they just hang out and camp and make campfires (going there in a minute).
We went on a little tour around the village by car and then by bike (awesome awesome awesome). It's a beautiful village.
This was a first times weekend: camped and was part of a campfire (!!!) for the very first time.
this is the house |
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our room |
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Eva's awesome uncle (it was his birthday on sunday) |
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PORTUGUESE FAMILY -I had to be the one with the stupid face- ((the t-shirts are an inside joke sorry)) |
So the campfire...
It was the best night of my life honestly.
Me and Philip (Eva's 32 year old brother) were the first people to sit on the trunks that were around the fire. He offered me a beer and I accepted it (and drank it all, proud of myself). Then everyone started to show up and we started burning marshmallow in the fire and eating them and it was delicious. We sang dutch, english, spanish and portuguese songs and danced to them.
And then after a couple of hours around midnight/one people started leaving until it was only me, Philip and Felix (Eva's 32 year old cousin). I was determined to stay there until the fire was out or everyone left cause it was being so awesome and nice and I didn't want it to end. The stars above us were shining and the fire was warm and so so nice and you could hear the crickets and frogs. It was perfect.
And then they both started talking to me. Just normal things, I did not speak to them much the all weekend so they just made some usual questions. Philip already knew my mum anyway. And I started talking about myself, how I've never done a lot of things and I was about to be 18. Like camping or a campfire or getting drunk. All of that stuff. And all Felix would say was 'Oh crap'. I wanted to laugh everytime he said it. They were sooooo surprised, especially Felix, that I've never done a fire like this one I was having.
They were also both obsessed with the why I was all day in socks. Why not barefoot or with shoes, Felix asked. That kinda made them crazy ahaha and I had no answer, I just felt like it.
And then Philip got up and went to get some drinks at the house. So I was alone with Felix. I can say a lot of things about this like 20 minutes that I was alone with him but I rather keep them to myself. We talked, I got to know a lot about him. We talked about all the things I wanted to do, all I've accomplished and about his life and about how beautiful the night was, the noises, the stars.
And then there was a moment. A single moment that it's still stuck in my mind. It was two seconds. Maybe five. But I can't forget it. I wish that I had it recorded. Well I kinda do. In my mind. It's stuck there.
I was talking about something that I don't remember and he was looking at the ground, playing around with a stick on the soil. And then he looked up, at me and just stared, listening to whatever I was saying. And there was something about that moment, those few seconds where he just stared while I talked. It was dark, the only light came from the fire that was illuminating his face. It was like the fire was illuminating his eyes and they were staring at me and I can't explain but for five seconds I swear that I stopped breathing. I fell in love with him in those seconds, I swear.
Then Philip came back with some bottles of beer and a bottle of some wine that I can't remember the name of. And as I had previously said to them, I have never gotten drunk. So they just said 'you enjoyed the beer so now drink this'. And we shared the bottle of wine while they drank beer too. I supppose that the wine was strong, at least for someone that has never drank, I think that Felix said that it was 50% alcohol so yeah.
We then proceded our talk. They were so proud of me when I said their favourite sentence with them: 'a campfire is all about burn shit and drink'. They said it so many times that it was playing in my head like a song. Other thing that was also always playing in my mind 'we can't say/talk about it cause you're not 18 yet'. And then I would tell them, once again, that I was going to be 18 in a couple of weeks. And they would, once more. ignore.
There were two moments (besides the one I've already told) that really got stuck in my head.
When Felix said 'Tell me one thing that you're really proud that you've done'. You know what went through my mind in that moment? Nothing. I couldn't think of a single thing that I was proud of accomplishing. None. So I said 'I ate sushi once' and they just laughed. It was sad.
Other thing was when Felix asked me
Why were you so quiet the all weekend?Those were kinda his words, I remember specifically of the 'funny'. I had no idea what to say. No Man, like with a big M, had said that to me. I was so flattered and happy. He actually liked me for me. He, both of them actually, were enjoying my company. And that was an amazing feeling. For the first time I felt like an adult man was with me cause they wanted not cause they had to or just for being polite.
I don't know
Cause now here you're so different. You're funny and outgoing. I don't know, it's just my opinion but you're so extroverted here.
They complimented my english. They told me not to move here otherwise they would ruin me. They would get me drunk and arrested. We talked about for why we would want to get arrested (public nudity for them and trespassing for me and them). They told me about their drunk nights out (so funny). We talked about my dream of studying in England (apparently every single person in that family knows about that, and they never ever say England, always London wtf). But mostly we talked about my first times (or more like the things I've never done).
I ended up finishing the bottle.
It was fun, perfect, amazing. Best night of my life (lets not count my 1D concert).
And then Felix pissed on the fire after telling me how fun that would be to do and how you should always do that to extinct a fire and after Philip telling me that it would smeel. Bad. But it actually didn't.
Finally, for my discontent, we started walking back to the house (it was almost three) and that's when I noticed that I was a bit dizzy. Okay not a bit, I was sooo dizzy. I couldn't walk straight. There was a point were I almost went againts a tree. But Philip put his hand on my back and guided me. I think that he thought that I just couldn't see well cause it was dark. I thought that it was because I had been hours sitting in a trunck and that made my legs unable to function but then I got to the tend and sat and I still felt dizzy so I guess that I have alcohol to blame. Who would know that a beer and half a bottle of whatever that was would do that to me.
I was not (too) drunk thankfully because then I wouldn't remember anything the next morning. And this is definitely something that I want to remember forever.
Day 11
My uncle and his girlfriend had to work so we stayed at home. Eva left some indications for us to go either to the beach or to Delft but my gramma didn't want so we stayed. Then Eva came back from work and my gramma was still refusing to go out. She was literally spoiling our last day. Then my uncle came and she said yes. So we went to have dinner at the beach. I was pissed at her cause she didn't let me go near the water.
When I was little I was, and still am, obsessed with 'Sakura The Card Captor' |
Day 12 (9 July)
I don't count this day cause our departure was at 11.30 am so we literally woke up at 7, took a train to the airport and waited for two and a half hours (yeah my grandparents exaggerate when it comes to get early at the airport).