
What if ...

Tenho duas palavras para isto; fantástico e creepy.

4 comentários:

  1. Aw... yeah you know what mean for you to wake up and the flower be in your hand? That your dreams came true...
    What if I had that flower?
    I would hold it and never let it go. It means that I have to share it with someone so they have their dreams come true too....

  2. Beautiful what you said ... And kind of impossible :S

    Unfortunately things like that just happen on movies and books. When life is perfect.

  3. I knwo it's impossible. but just the thought of a dream coming true is already a dream... that's how things are hard right now... Of course I wish they weren't. Everybody doesn't.

    And you know what I'm tired of people that are searching for perfection. Life is not about being perfect that doesn't exists! We have to search for the imprfections and love them.
    (P.S.: I know you think the same way xD)

  4. You're so right twin xD

    Nobody it's perfect [just like the Hannah Montana song]. So we have to do our best [or not] ... cause some of us [ME!!] just want to live ... some of us [ME!! again] don't want to strive for something like perfection ... or something like being what you're not.


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